Yesterday (Monday) was "Health and Fitness Day" (or something like that), giving most Japanese workers a long holiday weekend. Japanese holidays are so practical. Friday's downpours suggested the weekend would be a washout, but all three days and even today, Tuesday, have been absolutely beautiful with sunshine, blue skies, moderate temperatures, and low humity. It's the best run of good weather since I arrived.
I don't watch much television at all, especially with this great weather, but I try not to miss
Project Runway. What could be better than watching a bunch of neurotic fashion designers try to clothe starving (literally) models with materials scavenged from a dumpster (for example)? Season 3's final episode airs this week, and I'd like to see either Michael or Laura win.
UPDATE: Laura and Michael finished third and fourth, respectively. Now I can concentrate my limited television viewing on
Torchwood and
Battlestar Galactica.