Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spread a Little Happiness

Keith is spot on. This issue is simple and pure: do we want more of our fellow Americans to have just a little more chance at happiness? Yes, absolutely, yes.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Most Maddening Election Day Result

As Andrew Sullivan astutely points out, California voters passed Proposition 2 which assures minimal humane treatment for in-state pigs, chickens, and other farm animals. (Animals slaughtered out-of-state arriving in California as meat are on their own.) At the same time, voters passed Proposition 8 to ban same-sex marriage.

In other words, it's OK for pigs to be a little happier, but we better not let gays and lesbians, our fellow humans, enjoy happiness.

I'm sorry, but I just do not understand this "thinking." While it's not everybody who voted for Proposition 8 — a lot of voters were simply misinformed — some people actually derive pleasure in seeing others denied happiness. How sad.

The good news is that, while gays and lesbians will have to wait a little longer, and some won't see the day, the day is coming when they won't be denied their right to the pursuit of happiness. The bigots are dying, basically, and younger people are progressively less discriminatory. On the very same day when California took one step back, the entire country took a giant leap forward and busted through another barrier of bigotry. I am forever optimistic that a similar day will come soon for gays and lesbians, too.

In the meantime, Connecticut, the state where I was born, heartily welcomes all gays and lesbians from anywhere in the country who want to tie the knot, whether they want to remain in the state as residents or not. But why not stay in Connecticut? It's a wonderful place to live, and you can vote Joe Lieberman out of office in 2012 if he doesn't have the good sense to retire. And why not move your business to Connecticut, or at least open a big office and hire lots of talented and energetic Connecticut workers, including workers who happen to be gay or lesbian?

Contraception is also now legal in Connecticut, so what's not to like? Connecticut welcomes you, no matter who you love.