Friday, April 14, 2006

Excellent Maple Ice Cream

There are convenience stores everywhere in Japan, but the AM/PM store here at the IBM office is a cut above the rest for two reasons: maple soft serve ice cream and the "surfer dude" working behind the counter who sells it.

The ice cream costs just 170 yen, so it's a good value in quality junk food. The optional caramel swirl is another 30 yen, and that's good, too. But the sheer entertainment value of Japanese Surfer Dude is worth at least 400 yen. Yesterday, when I ordered some of the good stuff, I happened to say "Excellent" as I received an extra large dose. JSD, in his best Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure style, stuck his thumbs up and out and vigorously echoed, "EXCELLENT!"

JSD really enjoys his job. Customer service employees almost universally do in this service-oriented society. I know the feeling.

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