Monday, October 20, 2008

Name Calling

So the McCain-Palin campaign has now devolved into a rancid whirlwind of name calling: "terrorist," "socialist," "Muslim," etc. If you have even one neuron in the upper brain regions firing, there's no logic, and nothing is consistent. It's a cruder version of Hillary Clinton's late primary strategy, and it simply isn't working.

What I think many pundits have so far missed is how profoundly disruptive a GOP loss (much less a rout, which looks possible) will be to the party. Starting in 1968, the modern Republican Party has had one go-to-market strategy: the Southern strategy. The Southern strategy depends on non-thinking, ignorance, hate, and division. It's profoundly un-American, but it has been enormously successful for decades. The only exceptions have been conservative Southern Democrats (Carter and Clinton). This year is the strategy's grand finale.

You can already see signs of disbelief. There are going to be a fair number of hardcore cult members, the folks who still approve of President Bush's job performance, who might experience something resembling a political nervous breakdown. And as we approach the last days before the election, you already see signs of that breakdown. An African-American Democrat is poised to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He will be their president, our president. And when you've been doing everything possible to avoid all facts and evidence for so long, it'll be a shock to some. Their world is changing, our world is changing. And it's wonderful.

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