Sunday, April 10, 2011

America: The Not-So-Grim Truth

A relative e-mailed me a link to this blog post by Lance Freeman: America: The Grim Truth.

I take issue with several of the author's assertions. As examples, many developed countries don't have single-payer healthcare systems, and, while a lot of tax dollars go to the Pentagon, it's not 70% of them. The factual mistakes make it harder to take the author seriously. Also, people simply have different preferences. If you love musical theater, or skiing, or recreational aviation, or somebody of the same gender, you aren't going to choose, say, Singapore if you have a choice. Different countries have different attributes. The United States isn't everybody's favorite, but nor is Switzerland.

That said, I agree with the author in one narrow respect: the United States (and its government) are generally headed in the wrong direction. In the U.S. there's growing inequality, decreasing financial security, and increasing threats to civil liberties. Those disturbing trends tend to make the United States relatively less attractive as a place to live, work, and vacation, if you have other choices and other things being equal.

I'm an optimist, and I wouldn't bet against the United States yet. The world's oldest democracy has shown an amazing ability to correct its course.

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